This is another new band from Cali, Colombia Zombra Alterna who combine a fusion of various genres including Rock with Salsa. Their objective is to revoluti...
Jose Luis Ordi is a new artist who has a style that mixes Afro-Caribbean sounds with a Peruvian flavor. He is a very talented musician and composer and the ...
Randy Plaza Y La Legacia De La Salsa is back with another slamming single
"Se Me Ha Metido En La Piel" which has plenty of swing and I'm sure all the Sals...
I want to welcome La Orquesta Quatekera to our family. This band is a group of talented young musicians from Colombia who were hand picked b...
My boys from Chi-Town Rica Obsecion are back with another hot dance track. Just want to remind you that a few months ago they had a big hit with the classic...
The Latin City Orchestra is a group from Málaga, España who I came across with via twitter and I was very impressed with their stage presence and great soun...
It gives me great pleasure to introduce Requena Y Su Melao and their first single "Somos Novios" which is a classic Bolero written by the great Mexican comp...